Definition of Felicity:
the quality or state of being happy: something that causes happiness; a pleasing manner or quality especially in art or language
Why Felicity Paige?
When my first child left the house, I spent a few years figuring out myself, my new life, and my new purpose. I had experienced some rough treatment from the world, which changed my perspective and approach on life. I knew that this forced change was not the true me, and as a result I really wanted to create an environment where my core love for others could thrive. I wanted this love to spread and not be suppressed.
I love creativity and gift giving! Once it dawned on me that these two forces could be combined, I created Felicity Paige! The purpose of Felicity Paige is not to generate publicity or even revenues, but instead to gift my creations to those I feel could use them. In essence, I follow promptings of who needs my Felicity, and then I gift them a creation I made! I look for people who are spreading felicity (kindness, happiness, joy) in our community or people who may need some love sent their way. Then, I make them a gift with my Felicity Paige tag attached!
By doing this, felicity was brought back into my life and simultaneously into the lives of others! The true dream of Felicity Paige is that we all spread kindness, happiness and joy. Then, I hope that you too would continue to spread your felicity throughout the world this year and years to come! Think of what your felicity is and continue to share it!